我第一次看的時候,覺得這部片真是難看又無聊,(請原諒我當時只有十三歲,是國中一年級的心智),為什麼男主角拼了死命的逃進美國使館,卻又「很扯」的自己再走出來。又或是白靈到底是為了什麼而拼死為這個素未平生的外國人辯護,還有李察吉爾終被釋放時,為什麼要對前來迎接的熱情使館人員惡言向相,這一些都不make sense。
今天看完了這部片,得到最大的體悟並不是中國有多黑暗專制,或是我們要如何歌頌美國的民主自由,李察吉爾飾演的Jake是個哈佛的法學專家,他說”I learn law because I want to keep things in control”,白靈反問”Did you?”,Jake沉默
我不覺得自己有像白靈演的律師一般有那麼強烈的道德勇氣,(她其實這麼做也是為自己的過去而贖罪),這樣的作為很偉大,需要非常強大的動力才做得到,我很幸運自己沒有那麼強大的動力,很幸運自己只是太平日子下過著小生活的老百姓,但是,有一天如果像Jake那樣的不幸遭遇降臨,我也要準備好自己能keep things in control的專業能力。
目前分類:Politics (4)
- Aug 31 Mon 2009 14:39
- Jun 05 Tue 2007 17:36
別成第二個愛沙尼亞 ( 2007-06-05 ) 自由時報
■ 許建榮
五月底美國提出中國軍力報告時,也強調中國積極發展資訊網路作戰。再往前,二○○四年哈佛大學Berkman Center研究敘述了中國封殺超過二十萬個網址,並投資超過八億美元建立「防火牆長城」(The Great Firewall)和「金盾工程」(The Golden Shield),不僅監控網路輿論,也封鎖外來的訊息和網站。目前中國國安單位有三萬多人專職網路監控,類似網路警察的網路管制人員,則更高達三十萬名。
愛沙尼亞,是全球第一個受到全國性網路攻擊的國家;台灣,請小心。 (作者就讀澳洲昆士蘭大學博士班)
- May 29 Tue 2007 19:13
勇於作個麻煩製造者 ( 2007-05-29 ) 自由時報
作者 黃德源
- May 07 Mon 2007 20:17
S.H.E. Chinese v.s. Taiwanese
Recently, there’s a debate about a female group’s new single, the song’s entitled “Chinese.” 「中國話」(The lyric was basically praising the beauty of Mandarin, and how the world is focusing on this language now.)I remember the first time I saw this MTV, I felt quiet refreshing and perhaps even with a bit sense of proud, because it shows how we identify our own language and shows our national proud. However, few days later, I saw from the newspaper that some Chinese people expressed “their” despise on this song. I was so surprised. I thought they would be the happiest ones to accept such eulogy toward China. Nevertheless, the fact turns out that some of them holds a radical opposing opinions against this song. They claimed that- S.H.E.(The female group) was praising Chinese because they wanted to get rid off the mark of “pan-green-artists” Or some others say that S.H.E. sang this song just because they needed the market and recognition from the Chinese market, and such deeds are absolutely fruitless and disgraceful. Of course there are some praising or neutral ideas from the Chinese as well, yet the discussion has just aroused a fierce debate among Taiwanese and Chinese young people on the Internet.
Later on, something interesting happened. Some Taiwanese people revised the entire song and give it another name “Taiwanese”. They added many aboriginal Taiwanese characters and elements into the song, and sang the song in Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka and a little bit aboriginal languages. I like both of the songs, but to be honest, there was a sense of indescribable familiarity and touching when I heard the revised version. Indeed, we speak Mandarin and we may even inherit more traditional Chinese heritage than the mainlanders. We felt a sense of proud as well when the world is focusing more on “the Chinese” people. However, this does not change the fact that we are being Taiwanese, a separate, democratic country and group of people, which differs greatly from the PRC China. The situation is axiomatic, will anyone call the U.S. and U.K. the same country nowadays only because they share similar culture and speak the same language?
Thus, I feel the Taiwanese show a great reaction toward this event. We made fun of this song and changed it into Taiwanese, the one which may not receive as much market value as the original one (well, who can beat 1.3 billion population?), but the new song represents the true characters of our people. There are, of course, some Taiwanese people took very critical view toward this new song, yet I believe the majority of us choose to identify ourselves with a sense of humor and creativity.
The whole identification question is above debate, we need not to show our position by vituperation. We are firm and adamant about ourselves being Taiwanese. We can recognize the Chinese part of our culture and still establish an independent nationalism. Such solid nationalism is a precious fruit after 50-year ruling of Chineselization from the KMT regime.
The girls’ new album sells still very well, both in Taiwan as well as China. We Taiwanese showed a sense of humor as well as solidity in this event by creating our own “Taiwanese” song. Isn’t this the best outcome for the singers and us?