職責是研究美國內的case study寫proposal和國外的政府要經費
嘿嘿嘿 還蠻好玩的
時薪十塊錢 比我上一個工作還好賺
因為南加州是一個很乾的地方 百分之五十的水要仰賴北加州的濕地
可是由於濕地的生態比較敏感 再加上設備維護等原因 南加州的水供不應求
真有趣 :D
- Dec 17 Fri 2010 08:26
- Nov 02 Tue 2010 10:09
每天都在哭 :p
失落會哭 委屈也哭 但是感動時也哭 開心到極點的時候也哭
我都開玩笑的說 我的防水系統做的太差 每天都在滲水 :p
但是現在每天因為他 我都幸福的想哭
星期五晚上窩在電腦前吃著油膩膩的buffalo wings
他的朋友甚至在我po facebook之前早就先知道了消息
在等我考試時他去咖啡店時等我 除了一杯自己的咖啡 他另外選了一塊餅乾 用餐巾紙包起來 在我考完試之後悄悄地把它放在我的包包裡 在送我回家之際跟我說肚子餓了記得拿出來吃
我現在可以表演三秒鐘落淚 不過這些都會是happy tears :)
- May 29 Sat 2010 13:21
- May 23 Sun 2010 08:08
Book Review - Good city form by Kevin Lynch 1984
深入淺出的文字和文學式的敘述 以及很多的城市設計的圖
In “Good City Form”, Lynch constructed a normative theory to evaluate the forms and values of cities. Knowing that it is impossible or even dangerous to generalize performance standards for cities, he set up performance dimensions. In his own criteria for these performance dimensions[i], Lynch said that these dimensions should cover all features of settlement form, be usable where values differ, be independent of one another and deal with qualities which change over time. This attempt to build such a comprehensive theory is difficult. The dimensions in this book may not be perfect, but they combine the physical values as well as the social ones within these characteristics which we can perceive, evaluate and improve on.
The greatest achievement resulted from this book is that it builds up universal dimensions to evaluate both the social and physical aspects. These dimensions are: vitality, sense, fit, access and control and two meta-criteria of efficiency and justice. Each of them comprises subdimensions that value the physical utilities as well as psychological needs. For example, the access dimension talks not only about the physical accessibility to a certain place, object or person; it also emphasizes the diversity of things given access to and the equity of them. He dealt not only with the superficial level of a city’s functionality but also with the experiences, impression and values within. While discussing the culturally-dependent dimensions, he was being careful not to favor any particular set of cultural standard. He pulled examples from cities throughout the world and supported his theories base on characteristics that are common to every human being. In the perspective of being generic to all cultures, these dimensions are well-grounded.
Then he moved forward to an evaluation of these dimensions. This is the part where things get complicated because there must be a set of recognized values before there is an evaluation. Some values are commonly accepted, such as just, equity, people’s preference for efficiency and control etc. However, there are also the hardly definable ones such as what is a good fit? Or what makes a place a good sense? Lynch tried to make these concepts explicit to us by subcategorizing them in detail and provided plenty of illustrative narrations. He was very careful with these elusive concepts and went back to re-examine and dig into each of the presumption behind. This makes his logic sounder and convincing even though some of these ideas are still blurry to the readers.
This is probably why he was attacked as being verbose, because it seems like he spent a lengthy paragraph yet led us to no conclusion. However, I have to disagree with such criticism. Having no conclusion doesn’t mean the discussion is worthless. Instead, the process of exchanging ideas, receiving information and understanding the interconnectivity of a city’s social and physical value is best done by such narrative descriptions. This is the way to encourage people feel and imagine the characteristics instead of being confined to rigid checkpoints and formula. In addition, this style makes these concepts readable and easily understandable to all kinds of people. One needs not to be a social scientist, engineer, or city planner to understand the concept of good city forms through his book. He aroused a common experience, memory and sense that each individual holds toward a city and that is what makes this book successful.
The theory is not perfect, as Lynch criticized himself in the epilogue, there is a lack of complementary theories on how cities come to be and functions are developed. Besides, the dimensions are sometimes arbitrary and ambiguous. These dimensions are sometimes overlapping or even serve as the subcategory of another dimension (for example, the accessibility to daily goods is a subcategory of vitality.) These intricate connections suggest that there is no clear distinction among these dimensions. However, these dimensions still provide us a good base and directions to work on. Maybe some modifications or elaboration on the dimensions is needed, but overall it gives us a sound idea of his attempt.
“Good City Form” created a combined evaluation on a city’s physical form and its interaction with human activities. Lynch’s dimensions show the inseparable relationship of constructions and values. From these dimensions he reemphasized that holding a purely mechanic view of cities by no means can construct a good city. While designing cities, we should always hold in mind the more important values such as justice. Even though Lynch does not talk about the current buzzword of sustainability, these dimensions have constructed a balance on social and physical values. In a good city of Lynch’s, it would be a harmony society that keeps a balance with the environment and human beings.
[i] LYNCH Kevin, Good City Form, 1981 The MIT Press, page 113 (criteria for performance dimensions)
- Apr 03 Sat 2010 12:33
謝謝爸爸媽媽讓我來念都市規劃 :D 我也好愛這學期修的課
第二門是都市設計和應用(Urban Design Theories and Applications),我最愛這門課,基本上這門課教的都是我想念都市規劃的原因,探討設計是否能改變人的行為?什麼是好的都市規劃?都市規劃的元素拆開來再重新組裝,就像樂高玩具一樣有無窮的可能性,讓人目眩神迷!
第四門是都市規劃理論(Planning Theory),只要是理論課我其實都蠻愛的啦,基本上就是有點哲學性的探討為什麼要念都市規劃囉,不過我有點不喜歡這個教授,再靜觀其變囉!
謝謝我的爸爸媽媽讓我任性的選了一個很冒險的專業,現在每次上課還是常常有種夢想成真的感覺 :D I feel very blessed!
- Apr 03 Sat 2010 01:53
我的中國同學們和學姐和最要好的朋友 一共九個人 在上完晚上十點的課之後還很夠義氣的應邀來一起聊天 感覺大家熟了 感情變好很多 我覺得因為我的關係讓系上同學感情變好真是功德無量 :D
今天中午和最要好的台灣女生朋友吃飯 聊了很多內心的話 我很開心自己的advice能幫得上忙
今天晚上和弟弟吃飯胡鬧聊自己的八卦 然後坐在學校中央公園大草坪吃晚餐看夕陽
晚上上課時 我的美國同學在買starbucks的時候 買了個小糕點送我 因為我生日 :D That's so sweet!
好開心喔 :DDDDD I feel so blessed!!!!!!
- Mar 16 Tue 2010 01:27
- Mar 11 Thu 2010 10:00
稱讚永遠不嫌多 partIII
今天是交final project的日子
哈,我的作品明明藏在下面,大家就忍不住一直翻出來偷看,然後發出不由自主的讚嘆:p,最開心的是老師說他真的也很喜歡,因為老師平常就是有那種設計人的龜毛,很難有事情讓他完全的滿意,所以得到建築師出身的老師讚賞是最開心的:D (這代表我以後也可以到建築師事務所工作嗎 :P)
先給大家看一下 有圖有真相
快速的敘述一下這次的作業,我們要設計一塊土地的建築及其用途:這是一塊在洛杉磯待開發的土地 ,範圍是200 acres大概是二個半的大安森林公園那麼大吧(註一),比例是1英吋:10英呎,我們要設計的有街道、建築大小、建築用途、空地及綠地的比例以及所有的土地使用和配置,這是成品:
1. 每∙個∙東∙西∙都要按比例畫,這個平面圖大概全長60公分x30公分,但是精確度可是要到公釐的!(因為我們的比例尺是一英吋等於二百英呎,所以在紙上一公釐的誤差,可是二公尺的距離)。
2. 每個東西都要用手畫,直線和角度都要精確,沒有所謂彎彎的糢糊地帶,因為畫出的一個方格就是一棟房子。
3. 要考量到道路的車流量,所以路寬都是精心計算過的,有的寬有的細,代表主幹道和支流,每一條路在畫的時候都要心想它是代表幾線道的,有沒有人行道、停車格或是行道樹。
4. 要考慮每個房子的大小和設計,一開始最常犯的錯就是房子都畫太大,因為我們對於房子大小一點概念都沒有,而且房子的形狀也很重要,不能太一致,那會太無聊,但又不能有創意到浪費土地或是不適合使用。老師說我這二棟畫得特別好(箭頭旁二棟藍綠色的商業建築)
5. 土地使用和綠地配置,我們要怎麼依照道路來設計我們的土地使用,綠地如何配置,建築物之間要預留多少的空地,不同使用密度的建築物要預留的空間都不同,每個如何因應當地的地形和週邊環境來決定這塊土地的用途,感覺就像是一個專業的土地規劃師在做的事呢!所以上面的顏色不是畫開心畫漂亮的,每一個顏色都代表不同的同途!
就這樣啦~以上的東西,花了我三天的時間,終於生出這個成品了,最後我還錦上添花的畫了右下角的剖面圖,讓人更清楚這個社區的全貌,還加上了一張fact sheet(註二),註明了這一區大概可以容納多少的家庭(我統計的各個用途土地的加總,然後估算各個用途可以容納多少家庭)。就這樣啦~完整到無以復加(還是有人覺得可以再加什麼?)老師不給我A就太沒天良了!
剖面圖 左下角是一個運動場(有棒球場喔!)
左邊紅紅的是一圈高密度的社區 黃色是美國人最愛的single family house 最下方橘色是一條腳踏車道 藍色的是水道
註1: 一英畝大約是4046平方公尺,二百英畝就是800多平方公尺
註2:fact sheet
Playa Vista Site Plan
Use |
Approximate total land (sq. feet) |
Average Sq. feet of land per household |
Approx. total households |
Note & Housing types
Public green space |
522,400 |
n/a |
n/a |
Residential low density |
1,700,000 |
7,000 |
294 |
Single family |
Residential medium density |
778,800 |
2,000 |
389 |
Town house Side attached Duplex |
Residential high density |
1720,000 |
1,000 |
1720 |
Stacked row house 3 to 4 floor apartment |
Commercial use |
388,000 |
n/a |
n/a |
Mixed use |
217,600 |
n/a |
n/a |
Public facility |
52,000 |
n/a |
n/a |
Public land –other use |
499,200 |
n/a |
n/a |
Elementary school: 101,200 sq. feet Sports center: 398,000 sq. feet |
Approx. total households |
2,403 |
Playa Vista Site Plan
Use |
Approximate total land (sq. feet) |
Average Sq. feet of land per household |
Approx. total households |
Note & Housing types
Public green space |
522,400 |
n/a |
n/a |
Residential low density |
1,700,000 |
7,000 |
294 |
Single family |
Residential medium density |
778,800 |
2,000 |
389 |
Town house Side attached Duplex |
Residential high density |
1720,000 |
1,000 |
1720 |
Stacked row house 3 to 4 floor apartment |
Commercial use |
388,000 |
n/a |
n/a |
Mixed use |
217,600 |
n/a |
n/a |
Public facility |
52,000 |
n/a |
n/a |
Public land –other use |
499,200 |
n/a |
n/a |
Elementary school: 101,200 sq. feet Sports center: 398,000 sq. feet |
Approx. total households |
2,403 |
- Feb 04 Thu 2010 09:53
- Feb 03 Wed 2010 13:35
Comments on Environmental Ethics Presentation
今天拿到了老師給我的 有關上次presentation的評語
Report on Pojman, Chapter 4 1/28/2010 Environmental Ethics
This was an overall excellent presentation; animated, informative, passionate, factually-rich, and thorough in detail while also succinct given the scope of material presented. Nice job!
Strengths: the strongest feature of your talk – which were much appreciated – were the thorough slides which captured the major points contained in the readings, but without extraneous detail or clutter. Also the points you covered and reviewed n the presentation itself were essential and major – not trivial or esoteric. You helped the class to understand the principle and critical issues embedded in the various debates. And, of course, the questions you provided were provocative and thoughtful. Solid outline as well. The only weakness was that you could have provided a bit more critique of the readings – but you did draw attention to the paradox of measurement and understanding. Fine presentation. Grade = A
整體來說是一個出色的簡報,生活,內容豐富,熱情,豐富的事實,深入的細節,同時也十分的到簡潔(考慮到所要報導的範圍)。Nice job!
很好的簡報 分數:A
- Jan 15 Fri 2010 12:09
之後我認識了個女生,她是UCLA碩士畢業的,之前也是念UCI,念得和我們是一樣的東西,我和她相談甚歡覺得找到志同道合的朋友,覺得很慶幸自己有跟出來,然後也認識了我同學的老闆,他是台灣人…我想我要是吵著要進他們那裡實習應該也不是件難事吧…難的是我沒有交通工具啦!!I hate this!!
- Jan 14 Thu 2010 02:29
I once remembered
At Taipei Train Station, in my Sophomore year, I once remembered 小馬(A senior member in AIESEC 中山LC) asked me "what do you want to do or study in the future?"
I replied him. “Well, not something starts with “electronic” or technical, because I simply am not good at it and never interested in it either."
"Hmm~Definitely not Languages and Literatures! It’s fun! But I simply don’t have the passion to dig into the text and study language itself for another couple of years. Probably not business either, because I don’t really like the nature of it, making money for the sake of money itself? I don’t think I can ever find my motivation to support that."
Then he said ”Then what it is? It seems you’ve ruled out everything!”
I was silent.
I couldn’t give him an answer, but I still had this idea in mind “There has to be something! Something that is practical, meaningful and so interesting that I want to devote my entire career in. I can’t name it now but the world is so big and it has to be somewhere!”
Then I kept involved in AIESEC, doing good in study and actively participated in extracurricular activities. Classmates in my undergrad class gave me titles like “a capable woman(女強人)” or “a modern woman” and assumed that I’ll become a successful business woman one day like my AIESEC peers do. Well I tried, in the first couple of years after graduation, to match the “public’s (and myself as well) expectation”. But, somehow it simply does not work! I made choices by following my heart but it often turned out to move further and further away from that expectation.
Then Tonya introduced “urban planning” to me. (For that I am forever in debt!) It’s like a new door opened in my life. I am in the master program of urban and regional planning at UCI now. It is the thing I pictured in my sophomore year. I feel grateful and excited everyday to live in the reality of my dreams and wishes. I know my insistence was right, and it is paying off now. So, I will keep sticking to my feeling, no matter how blurring or uncertain it seems now. I know that if I do believe in it, it will realize one day!
Well I have a lot of insistence, hunches and feelings in picking a boyfriend (or a husband or a soul mate.) Does that apply too? I hope it is paying off soon :P
When it doess I will post another article here! Haha~
- Jan 01 Fri 2010 14:42
In Love with San Francisco
舊金山遊民很多,貧富差距很明顯,我常常看到一邊是光鮮亮麗的人們大排長龍等著進入高級餐廳,馬路的另一側則是遊民背著破布袋撿垃圾,這樣的畫面總是讓人覺得很不開心,我在念都市規劃時,大家常常說trickle down這個字,意思是雖然某些重大的建設或政策,只能提升某個族群的利益,但藉由整體經濟的發展提升,一些利益也可以漸漸流向弱勢族群,進而漸漸的改善他們的生活,但是我怎麼覺得自己看到的都不是這樣,印象最深刻的是奧斯陸(挪威首都)和舊金山,常常遊民給我的感覺是被無形的線劃分出來的群體,讓我想到了美國電影常演的殭屍片,感覺自己如果突然不小心闖進了遊民區就會被一湧而上的包圍住,西方人對殭屍的恐懼應該就是對遊民的投射吧。
熱鬧的中國城 義大利風情的北灘 掛滿彩虹旗的同志區
gogo街車 站牌
- Jan 01 Fri 2010 14:41
2010新年新希望 – 愈活愈回去
我一向最喜歡許新年新希望,因為我是一個計劃導向的人,按部就班的成就感可以給我源源不絕的動力,但是今年我卻沒有特別的新計劃,我只有一個目標—愈活愈回去,both physically and psychologically
現在的我己經住在自己的夢想裡了,在UC Irvine念著理想的科系、結交來自世界各地的好友、在柏克萊校門口前留下進入校的背影,我想我現在要學習的是放慢腳步且善待自己,我希望愈活愈回去,保持對萬物好奇的心態,繼續用樂觀且正面的角度看世界,身體健康也是,希望奇怪的小病痛都byebye,(現在全身長了疹子奇癢無比…希望它在2010的明天也自動消失),我想我太急躁的個性要為很多事情負起責任,嗯,我的個性帶我到了現在的夢想,現在是時候踩個剎車用步行的速度看世界了。
- Jan 01 Fri 2010 14:39
Day 0 市中心聯合廣場 北灘小義大利 電報山&雙峰看夜景
得知多年不見的高中好友宣諭正在喬治亞大學念書,我們很開心的相約在舊金山見面,舊金山的市中心是我們的第一站,一出車站就為它的熱鬧的氣氛所感染,最核心的Powell街有媲美亞洲鬧區的人潮,但是轉個彎人潮就銳減,還有一點讓人喘息的空間,我們住的Hostel International Downtown離市中心車站只有三分鐘的步行距離,服務人員親切、設備完善乾淨,價格合理,還有免費的無線網路和好吃的早餐,推薦要給省錢的背包客入住。為我們辦理check in手續的是一個漂漂亮亮笑容甜美念UC San Diego的女生,她之前還有去過師大學中文呢!也許是被開心的氣氛感染,我第一天就買了一件hostel設計,上面畫滿舊金山地標的T恤。
卸下行李後,我們和我在UCI的同學會合,一行三個人到了小義大利區的北攤(North Beach),品嘗了手工的義大利美食,我們點了一道當日特餐--燉小羊肉,還有最基本的義大利肉醬麵,再加上餐廳招待的免費前菜和麵包,小羊肉燉得爛爛嫩嫩的入口即化,甜甜的肉汁沾上一旁的玉米餅真是令人很想再續一盤,基本款的義大利肉醬麵是最看得出主廚功力的一道菜,也是沒有令人失望,我們一共三個人合吃這二道,竟然也被餵飽了~
免費的前菜 小羊肉料理 基本款義大利麵
接下來我們到了電報山(telegraph hill)以及雙峰(twin peaks)上眺望舊金山的夜景,二個點剛好一南一北,在電報山上可以看金融區各異其趣的商業大樓,包括了最有名的泛美金字塔以及海港,在南端的雙峰看到的是整個舊金山市,二個點都有各自的特色。