今天拿到了老師給我的 有關上次presentation的評語
Report on Pojman, Chapter 4 1/28/2010 Environmental Ethics
This was an overall excellent presentation; animated, informative, passionate, factually-rich, and thorough in detail while also succinct given the scope of material presented. Nice job!
Strengths: the strongest feature of your talk – which were much appreciated – were the thorough slides which captured the major points contained in the readings, but without extraneous detail or clutter. Also the points you covered and reviewed n the presentation itself were essential and major – not trivial or esoteric. You helped the class to understand the principle and critical issues embedded in the various debates. And, of course, the questions you provided were provocative and thoughtful. Solid outline as well. The only weakness was that you could have provided a bit more critique of the readings – but you did draw attention to the paradox of measurement and understanding. Fine presentation. Grade = A
整體來說是一個出色的簡報,生活,內容豐富,熱情,豐富的事實,深入的細節,同時也十分的到簡潔(考慮到所要報導的範圍)。Nice job!
很好的簡報 分數:A
- Feb 03 Wed 2010 13:35
Comments on Environmental Ethics Presentation