- Apr 14 Mon 2008 21:33
- Apr 06 Sun 2008 15:29
Time's top 100 design
- Apr 06 Sun 2008 14:40
- Apr 04 Fri 2008 20:15
April 4th Toyo Ito - Generative Order
I went to Taipei Fine Arts Museum with Syenny and really enjoyed the show.
I saw several major works from Ito:
Sendai Mediatheque, completed in 2001, was hailed as the representative architectural work of the new century, and stirred up a passion for the Ito style throughout the architectural world. This is also one of my favorite, because of its large space and open design. people can see through and window and perceive messages from different level as well as a coherent interal structure.
Tod's Omotesando Building, completed on April 2004. Because the neighborhood is surrounded by trees, Ito decides to incorporate the surrounding with the structure. Thus, he modified branches of trees and overlapped them to make an outer line.
Serpentine Gallery Pavillon, 2002 London. This is one of my favorite as well. Here we can clearly observe how Ito deploys the use of nonlinear geometry. He draws a square first and duplicate, enlarge as well as overlapping them in different angles. As a result, he creates a complex yet organized rectangular space for the citizens.
There are also MIKIMOTO Ginza2 Building as well as New Library for Tama Art University. the MIKIMOTO building is designed after the shape of pearls and he uses rectangulars and triangles with round angles. Besides, the whole building is in pearl pink! New Library for Tama Art University is awesome, I wish we could one of those in Taiwan. Multiple arcs are around the four facades of the building, as well as within. Such shape gives a serene atmosphere as well as an open space. Large windows gives users a great view toward the beautiful surrounding woods.
Toto Ito believes that architecture is the act of givingshape to order: utilizing pure geometry to transform stable, stationary order into a building, in correlation with the constant change of nature and society.
I'm glad to know that there are three major projects running in three largest cities of Taiwan. The Main Stadium for 2009 World Games, Kaohsiung City, the Taichung Metropolitan Opera House and the National Taiwan University, New college of social science. The Main Stadium will be completed on Jan 2009. I'm looking forward to see that work. It employes many solar panels with an angle that is specially designed for the growth of plants and ventilation. 9 dimps around the building creates supportive functionalities to the main building. Passengers can even enjoy the passion within the Stadium through its opening design.
- Mar 18 Tue 2008 21:30
- Feb 28 Thu 2008 13:09
If things are always in control...
If things are always in control, that means you're not going fast enough!
- Feb 28 Thu 2008 13:06
A great many people think they are thinking ....
A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices.
- William James
- Jan 04 Fri 2008 22:49
Pablo Picasso-There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot...
There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.
- Oct 30 Tue 2007 20:48
今天和它有很貼心的舉動,那就是我一手撐著頭,斜躺在地上,看著門口等它出來,整個身體呈現很低的姿態,它一開始可能覺得離我視線太近,有一點觀望的態度而不敢出來,後來我伸出手放在它前面,讓它主動過來聞聞,聞聞之後,覺得沒有什麼危險,joha竟然沒有跑掉,反而直接停在我的面前,然後我就沿著它的頭輕輕摸到身體,輕輕慢慢的摸,它的耳朵垂下來,眼睛也慢慢瞇了起來,最後它竟然五體投地的趴著XD”,呈現一種完全放鬆的姿勢(也太享受了吧),後來是我摸到手痠,它才爬起來,再聞聞我的手然後跑掉,真是太可愛了 *~*
- Oct 23 Tue 2007 22:19
Joha's diary Oct 23th
Joha weight: 272 kg 醫生說它每天都應該長大一點點
Joha age: less than 2 months 醫生說到六個月的時候它就是成兔了
Joha 品種:似乎是家兔 好啦,我早有它會變成巨兔的心理準備了
Joha’s gender: 是個男生! 果然被我猜中了,難怪看著它都有幸福的感覺
眼睛:ok 醫生用強光照它眼睛,我在一旁要負責固定它,看它很痛苦的樣子超不忍心的
耳朵:ok 乾乾淨淨,平時不用替它清理
皮膚:有蟎蟲* 醫生說它現在還太小,不能替它殺菌,等它二個多月大的時候再帶去殺菌,平常也不用替它洗澡,水洗或乾洗都不用,除非它在換毛,再替它清理多餘的毛就行
便便: 竟然有球蟲! 醫生說這個球蟲在平常時無法作怪,但是在Joha扺抗力弱的時候它會讓兔兔拉肚子!!有可能會讓Joha脫水或甚至危及性命! 還好醫生有開藥給我,是甜甜的糖漿,Joha非常的愛吃
飼料: 一天餵二次少量的飼料,盡量以單一的種類,不然會容易養成兔兔挑食的習慣
我室友的狗有發現Joha的存在,今天一直很想進入我的房間,甚至還對著我的門叫,可是我跑回去看Joha的時候,擔心它受到驚嚇時,發現它仍老神在在的在吃草,且用無辜的大眼睛回看,好像問我剛才有發生什麼事嗎XD” 這樣好,反正跟我住在一起的動物心臟是應該強一點。
- Oct 11 Thu 2007 21:14
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please dont break it
Love was made for me and you
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please dont break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
- Oct 06 Sat 2007 23:54
10 Things I love about my new home
1. big living room with TV set
2. big room with nice furniture
3. clean kitchen with microwave
4. balcony with modern washing machine
5. hot and constant water
6. room with air con and window
7. great neighborhood and close to the office
8. affordable rent
9. free internet!
10. stupid puppy and timed kitty
- Oct 06 Sat 2007 11:59
Keira Knightley For Coco Mademoiselle
She is so gorgeous in this CF.
Love her attitude and look!
- Oct 03 Wed 2007 23:05
My luck cannot get any fxxxxxg worse these days…
Everything started from Oct 2nd….
在下班時,I was in a rush to get off work,因為和俞庭約好了六點吃飯,不想遲到,可是老闆下班之後想和大家聊天,然後我不知道是腦袋裝漿糊還是失心瘋,一直聽錯他說的話,還不停的頂嘴…(我那時一定是瘋了,我想老闆也傻眼吧)
好不容易準時趕到中山站,從捷運走出來的時候,我的高跟鞋跟竟然斷了! That fxxing sucks! (But my Berkeley colleague told me that this is a sigh that’ll bring me good luck afterwards. I’m quite happy about comforting words.)
Oct 3rd morning…
而醒來時,在我床正上方迎接我,和我Say good morning的是一隻小強,不,是大強…
回到了家,我的衰運仍未結束,早上的大強仍在天花板上等著我,我萬分無奈的卸下包包和隱形眼鏡,戴上手套然後拿著克蟑和拖鞋,鼓起勇氣爬到床上,試著以它不會朝我飛過來的角度扁它(從仰角k一隻小強的心理壓力真的很大…),然後,我k了,它筆直的落下…….到我的抽屜裡…exactly THE ONE that I still have clothing in...我其它的抽屜都因為搬家清空了!只有那個抽屜裡面有最多的衣服..what the fxxxxxxxxk…..
現在唯一高興的是,星期六終於要脫離苦海,希望那天颱風不要來~XD鳴鳴鳴鳴鳴,我真的好想哭喔 T~T,前一天我都還能苦中作樂,可是今天我的好朋友來拜訪,情緒整個大受影響,我覺得我真是衰爆了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sep 29 Sat 2007 20:02
The Nine most terrifying words...
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the
government and I'm here to help.'
- Ronald Reagan